

Superbly hand crafted utensils (serve-wares) with natures aroma

  • images November 1, 2021
  • images Decore

Bringing Nature Into Your Kitchen !


The pandemic has harboured many hobbies in most of us & right of the back, ‘cooking’ became popular again! Of late, more people than ever, are turning to be conscious with their food production, consumption & serving patterns. Folks now, are actively educating themselves into welcoming the expansion of zero waste living into their kitchens. So, we thought of bringing nature into your kitchen.


Surprisingly enough, this isn’t a new concept in india. Our ancestors had always encouraged waste free living in their households. From using the flesh of watermelon, it’s seeds to it’s peels – nothing goes to waste. Same goes for potatoes, mushrooms and what many many other vegetables that are nutrient dense throughout.


Taking this idea into consideration – the one wherein when we pick up an entity, we make full usage of it in a way that it leaves behind little to nothing, gave birth to the idea of now trending on instagram – Coconut Shell Smoothie Bowls!

Diving into it further, a local home grown brand POSA who go by the by line of enabling sustainability tried to innovate inorder to bring nature into your kitchens. How, you ask? Well, with a range of crockeries made entirely out of coconut shells and waste wood.

These shells that would have otherwise been discarded are given a new life by hand carving them into coffee cups, mini tea cups & even wine cups! The idea of modernizing the shells is one that catches the eye.

You can choose from their collection to enhance your experience of relishing a nutritious smoothy in a coconut shell bowl or ending the weekend with wine in their cups for an added aesthetic to your waste free lifestyle. And if you think of more such utility items that can replaced with a coconut shell, you can get your customised pieces done.
