Boston Kitchen

The beige cabinets and drawers for this kitchen complement well with the dado tile and granite used for the countertops; the cabinets even have similar color for the backsplash tiles but they sure complement each other. Don’t you agree? This Modular kitchen gives you a fresh feel yet look elelgant.

Client's message


Hello i am Nitya Lalwani. we are basically based in Durg. we wanted to renovate our kitchen then we came to know about the concept kitchen. one of our friend recommended us she's an interior designer basically she take us to the showroom which is based in raipur. when we come to know we visited the showroom actually we found it very there were a lot of options there like in modular kitchens like different themes. They were having so many options and we liked it very much and they personally treat us very well when we visite. In our home we have kitchen which was very old actually it was 25 years ago made and they gave us lot of color options and lots of themes were also there so we have chosen according to they have provided us. Personal assistance basically in all the fields just starting from the all the we have broken the full kitchen. They provide us all the guidance what we have to do and basically of tiles then we have put also renovated our store also along with it so we highly recommend concept kitchen. thank you!

Nitya Lalwani

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